
27 ish hours left to go

Update for the 48 Hour Reading Challenge hosted by Mother Reader:

I have read 4 and 1/2 books so far:

The Abbey Girls on Trial, by Elsie Oxenham. Not my favorite of her Abbey series. To much introspective trauma, done heavy handedly. 314p

Emma-Jean Lazarus fell out of a tree. This was a peach of a book. (gah. I don't have it with me here at the library. I'm pretty sure it's 199p.)

Follow the Footsteps, by William Mayne. A slightly pedestrian treasure hunt story, a genre I don't like, but the book is not without charm. Again, pagination doubts. 207? or perhaps I am confusing this one and Emma-Jean.

The slightly true story of Cedar B. Hartley by Martine Murray. (Australian book, 2004). I really liked this one! I look books about people learning to do things (in this case, acrobatics). But the title is pathetic. 240 pages.

I will try to get more posted, but am not sure I will be able to until Monday. It depends on whether I can persuade someone to copy an email and put it on here...why does our Mac hate blogger so?

It is very nice that a. it is raining b. I cleaned the house yesterday.

This means I feel less guilt about reading.

1 comment:

  1. Sorry to hear about your Mac problems -- MR and I are both die-hard Mac people (being a video producer, I never really had much choice), and while I know there are some features of Blogger that aren't as easy to use on the Mac, we usually don't have any problems.

    Bill (MR's husband/editor)


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