
My TBR Pile Challenge progress, and a list of books coming out in February that I'd like to read but can't

At the beginning of the year, I double dog dared myself at James Reads Books to read 100 books from my TBR pile before I could actively seek out and read new books (books received for review don't count).   And I have made progress.

In January I read 38 books.  Except for three, they were all TBR pile-ers, so that is pretty good, though not as may as I would have liked...and it is hard! to not read the shiny and new that isn't already in my home.

Happily, I have some ARCs of February books on hand...but alas!  there are others that I don't have, and if I'm going to play fair, I can't read them till I've read 62 TBR books (though of course they might show up, unexpected and unlooked for, in my mailbox...)

The ones I don't have that I know about:

Dearest, by Althea Kontis The third woodcutter sisters book is coming out!  Why did I only just find out???  I will share the blurb because this is my favorite fairy tale!!!  "When Friday stumbles upon seven sleeping brothers in her sister Sunday's palace, she takes one look at Tristan and knows he's her future. But the brothers are cursed to be swans by day. Can Friday's unique magic somehow break the spell?"

Beastkeeper, by Cat Hellisen

The Bell Between Worlds, by Ian Johnstone

Doubleborn, by Toby Forward

The Dragons of Crumbling Castle, by Terry Pratchett

Moonpenny Island, by Tricia Springstubb

Mars Evacuees, by Sophia McDougall

Mark of the Thief, by Jennifer Nielsen

Echo, by Pam Muñoz Ryan

And then on top of that there are other books I want to get:

The Door That Led to Where by Sally Gardner
Living in Threes by Judith Tarr
The Great House of Estraville by Violet Needham
Walden's Shore: Henry David Thoreau and Nineteenth-Century Science by Robert M. Thorson

and doubtless others, scrawled on pieces of paper, in my library account, on paperback bookswap.

But I will be Strong!  Someday I will once again live a life without Book Guilt!  I can do it!  (maybe).

65 more to go.


  1. You are doing great -- almost halfway there! It will be an amazing feeling to have those 100 books knocked off, however painful it is to forego others.

  2. I am impressed by your fortitude! I am also trying to read more off my TBR pile this year, but mine is much, much less challenging (every other hardcopy book I read, because I generally have an ebook and a hardcopy going at the same time, as well as an audiobook).

  3. You've read a lot. I'm impressed. I'm reviewing and giving away Mark of the Thief on Wednesday if you want to stop by.

  4. I am hugely impressed that you have read so many TBR books already. You can definitely meet your goal! Go you!

  5. I am trying to read more off my TBR this year, too! I still bought a few books in January, but technically I ordered them in December... So, that's my justification. I don't have any pre-orders for February, though, so I plan to concentrate on what I have all ready. Good luck!


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