

Teenagers reading-

"It's now cool for teenagers to read"

Here's the link to a rather cheering story from today's Providence Journal, about a book club formed last year at Hope High School. Hope is an urban, largely minority school that was in such a bad way a few years ago that the state intervened. It's better now, thanks in large part to dedicated teachers like those who founded the book club-- Jodi Timpani and Laura Almagno.

Rather annoyingly, the article only mentions two specific books the club members have read--Bento Box in the Heartland: My Japanese Girlhood in Whitebread America (Linda Furiya) and Wicked.


Here's what the Hope teenagers have read so far:

The Memory of Running
My Sister's Keeper
19 minutes
Change of Heart
The Pact
World War Z
Water for Elephants

I have read none of them...always there are more books landing on the to be read pile!!:)


  1. That is a great story, Charlotte. Thanks for sharing it! I'm going to mention it my next literacy round-up.

    Oh, if only more kids had caring teachers and librarians like these, to help them learn to love books. But still, it's wonderful to read a success story.

  2. Truly it is a comforting story, especially given Hope's sad history.

  3. charlotte---
    here is a list of what Rise and Read @ Hope has read so far:
    The Memory of Running
    My Sister's Keeper
    19 minutes
    Change of Heart
    The Pact
    World War Z
    Water for Elephants

  4. Thanks Christina! I've put the list in the main post.

    It is really impressive!
