

Quick, go enter to win a signed copy of Blackbringer!

Tomorrow is the release day for Silksinger, the second volume of Dreamdark, by Laini Taylor (my review goes up tomorrow, barring catastrophe). The first, Blackbringer, introduced us to my favorite fairy ever, Magpie Windwitch. Head over to Grow Wings, Laini's blog, to see how you can win your own signed copy of Blackbringer--and enter by the close of today. You can also read the first chapter of Silksinger while you're there...

These are both lovely books. One could describe them as Cecily Mary Baker (Flower Fairies) meets Bosch
if one wanted to, which perhaps most people wouldn't. But Laini combines the delicacy and beauty of the one with the wild imagination and super-full canvases of the other, so it works for me...I think. Anyway, I mean this as a compliment.

1 comment:

  1. I really enjoyed this book :). I was excited for the second one to come out.
