

Three Writing Contests

Via Finding Wonderland, via Yat Yee, comes news of the "2009 Genre Wars Fiction Writing Contest! We invite fiction writers to submit your 1 to 2,000-word short stories to us. The contest deadline is December 1, 2009 at 11:59 p.m. PST, and we plan to announce the winners on January 7, 2010, which marks the Literary Lab's 1st anniversary. Multiple submissions allowed."

Over at The Spectacle, we've been challenged to "Write the beginning of a spooky/scary/suspenseful story (up to three sentences). Make it original, make it surprising, make us want to read more." The cool part about this one is that us blog readers get to vote on the winner.

And there's a Flash Fiction competition at New Scientist: "Send us your stories set one hundred years into the future, and a panel of judges headed by acclaimed science fiction writer Stephen Baxter will pick the best to be published in a future issue of New Scientist. We'll publish a selection of the most entertaining and thought-provoking online.
Your story should be no more than 350 words in length.... The closing date is 15 October 2009."

1 comment:

  1. Hm, these sound interesting. I don't think I'll be entering because of my tiny attention span when it comes to writing, but best of luck if you do! (:
