

Airman, by Eoin Colfer, is being made into a movie

Last year I was one of a panel of bloggers who shortlisted Airman, by Eoin Colfer, for the Cybil's Shortlist in YA Sci Fi/Fantasy. And so even though I don't pay much attention to movie adaptations, this article at Fantasy Book Review caught my eye.

It's really easy to picture this book as a movie, what with the ballooning, the mines, the prison inmates, and the escape from prison all so vividly brought to life by the words....I might even go see it.


  1. I loved Airman. I like to tell customers it has a Dumas / Shakespeare feel.

    I think it would make a great movie.

  2. Huh. I can only see movies from books that are very action oriented with characters I did not absolutely adore. This fits the bill; Airman was a fine book, but I am not personally endeared to the characters, so they can't be... ruined.

    If, however, someone did up the Monster Blood Tattoo books into a movie? I couldn't watch. There's only one Rosemunde, and he's in my imagination.

  3. Wow, a lot of books are being made into movies lately.. or so it seems anyway!

  4. Cool!

    And Kailana, you're totally right. It almost seems like Hollywood doesn't have an original idea at all lately. Everything's a book adaptation, a remake, or a sequel.

  5. I do think though, that with it's Dumasian feel (as Doret noted) this one's a natural for one of those mostly shot by candlelight movies....

    And I know what you mean, Tanita--I liked this book a lot, and have vivid mental images of the plot and setting, but not, so much, a clear picture, that is dear to my heart, of the central character.

  6. You're right; that *could* make a really fine movie. Hmmm...I might just go see it, too.
