

The Cybils: "memento awards confirmed at effortlessly"

I just found my post from Sept. 30th babbled on a site that shall be nameless. I thought it was funny (especially the effortlessly part):

"Tomorrow the 2009 Cybils build!The Cybils are memento awards confirmed at effortlessly the children’s and teenaged grown-up memento blogging community. mainly depreciatory Everyone (blogger or not) mainly is invited to set forward the books of the days of yore year they friendship kindest in a multitude of categories, including Science Fiction and Fantasy. mainly From these nominations, a panel of readers selects a shortlist, which then goes on to a guild of judges. mainly There hand down be more details agree upon at effortlessly how to set forward books on the Cybils Website tomorrow. mainly Any memento in English published from October 16th 2008 to October 15, 2009 is eligible–this includes books published this days of yore...."

Do keep nominating books (or mementos)! Especially the bestest middle grade science fiction and fantasy mementos out there, because that's my panel, and I want to read them, and, of course, it's all about me (tongue firmly in check).


  1. Oh, that's too funny Charlotte. I may have to find a way to use mementos like that. :-D

  2. In addition to nonfiction Mondays and poetry Fridays, maybe we could have a random word Wednesday - how many times can you fit the word of the day into your post and still be semi-intelligible? (Oh, wait - rereading that, maybe semi-intelligible wouldn't have to be a requirement.)
