

The Cybils!

Nominations are coming in fast and furious over at the Cybils website. Lists of the books nominated are updated minute by minute, and getting beautifully long...

I am honored to be part of the Cybils this year, on the nominating panel for Middle Grade Science Fiction and Fantasy.* Hooray for MG sf/f! This subgenre is my favorite--it's here that you find the best stories. Lovely, fun, imaginative, wacky, subversive, scary--that's MG sf/f.

So please go and give us a good one to read!!!! Spread the word! Ask handy fifth graders to send in their favorites of the past year (published from 16 October 2008- 15 October 2009). Let us know what books are so good they zip from hand to hand...

Here are my co-panelists:

Anamaria Anderson, bookstogether
Cindy Hannikman, Fantasy Book Critic
Brian Jung, Critique de Mr. Chompchomp
Eva Mitnick, Eva's Book Addiction

For the next three months, we will be emailing like crazy as we pick our shortlist of the books nominated. Fun!

*Middle Grade and YA have parted ways, because c. 161 books (the number nominated last year for both categories) is really too many for one person to read in 3 months, and there will be more this year. So although you only get to nominate one sci fi/fantasy book, there are two groups of readers...


  1. Good luck to you. It's an enormous commitment, and authors are so blessed by the time you all put in.

  2. Have fun, Charlotte! *sniff sniff* I'll miss it :-( Now, is there anything I want to nominate that hasn't already been nominated . . . ?

  3. Can't wait to see what you guys choose as finalists! * jumps up and down in excitement *
