

In just one hour...

...I will be meeting my first bloggers (except for Anamaria at Books Together, who I already got to practice on). Actually, in just one hour I will probably be lost in Crystal City (nice fantasy ring to it) and then I will find the hotel and there will be no one there and I will feel vaguely despairing but at least I will have a book with me (currently reading Darkwood, by M.E. Breen, and what has struck me most powerfully so far is my name appearing in the thank yous, but it isn't me, just someone using my name). So if anyone sees someone in the corner reading Darkwood, that would be me, and please say hi.

If you too would like to come to Kidlitcon 09, and met lots of people, and get to hear a representative from the Federal Trade Commission explain the new regulations for bloggers, please show up tomorrow in Arlington, VA! Here's Mother Reader's latest promotional post.


  1. Awww I wish I wasn't so far away in Seattle! I'd have been there when I used to live in Ohio. I'd love to hear what the FTC guy has to say, keep me informed!

  2. Say hello to everyone for me! I won't be able to make it tonight--I'll be getting in touch with my inner YA at my 20-year high school reunion. Maybe I should bring my copy of Darkwood along?

  3. I'm also waving to you from Seattle. I'm feeling a little wistful about not going, but I was on the East coast for a wedding last weekend, so I got to see lots of family at least. I look forward to your updates about the conference.

  4. I fear even if I left now I wouldn't make it by tomorrow. Sounds like a lot of fun.
