

Rachel Neumeier's new books (Waiting on Wednesday)

One of my favorite books of last year was The City in the Lake, by Rachel Neumeier (my review). On a whim yesterday I looked to see if she might be having a new book out soon...and Yes! Riches beyond the dreams of bookish avarice:

From her website:

"The first book of the Griffin Trilogy is called LORD OF THE CHANGING WINDS, and it is due to come out in the spring of 2010.

If you liked CITY, then I think you'll like CHANGING WINDS. CITY was published as YA and CHANGING WINDS is coming out as Adult Fantasy, but truly, I wrote them exactly the same way. I hope nobody is put off by either category."

A whole trilogy to look forward to!

But wait, there's more:

Another adult fantasy, House of Shadows!

But keep waiting, there's still more! Because Neumeier was under contract to write another YA novel, she has, and it is called Islands in the Sky, and you can take a peek at it here.

Goody gumdrops for us, as my grandfather used to say!

Waiting on Wednesday is the brainchild of Jill at Breaking the Spine; if you head on over there, you can find all the other books folks are anxiously awaiting...

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