

The 24 Hour Readathon meets the Once Upon a Time Challenge for me tomorrow

This weekend I'll be taking part in Dewey's 24 Hour Readathon--I'll won't be able to read exclusively, since the children are not yet able to wait on me hand and foot, and their father will be off teaching, but I will do my darndest...

Shown above is the assortment of books I selected from the three main To-Be-Read holding areas of my house. And since it is all fantasy, I decided to sign up for the Once Upon a Time Reading Challenge hosted by Carl at Stainless Steel Droppings. I think that I might end up meeting the requirements for Quest the Second, in which one reads at least one fantasy, one folklore, one fairy tale, and one mythology (I'm not sure if anything in my pile above counts as folklore, though--I guess I'll find out!)

Here's the list of books (which I did not actually pick on the basis of their color coordination with each other and the sofa):
The Grimm Legacy, by Polly Shulman
Neive, by Terry Griggs
Dragonfly, by Julia Golding
The Dark Horse, by Marcus Sedgewick
The Pig Who Saved the World, by Paul Shipton
Hannah's Garden, by Midori Snyder
Elfland, by Freida Warrington
Wild Magic, by Cat Weatherill
Princess of Glass, by Jessica Day George
Prophecy of Days, by Christy Raedeke
Swan's Wing, by Ursula Synge

And that should keep me plenty busy. Fortunately, it is going to rain tomorrow, so I won't be tempted by the great outdoors....


  1. It's such a shame Magician of Oz isn't in your list of books for this challenge. At 45,000 words, it shouldn't take but a couple of hours.

  2. I'm so excited/nervous to see Prophecy of Days on your list! Hope you like it :)

    Happy reading weekend!

  3. Good luck with both the Read-a-thon and the challenge!

  4. Good luck with the readathon. And I spy Dragonfly in there. That was a pretty good book. Quite enjoyable. The cross-culture aspects were the best part.

  5. Good luck for the Read-A-Thon! Happy Reading!

  6. Hi James, I couldn't put your book on this list because I read it already--spurred on by your comment, I'm working on my backlog of Cybils books received and read but not reviewed (see next post)

    Hi Christy--I am looking forward to your book (and have been since I got it)!

    And thanks for the good luck wishes, the rest of you all! Good luck to you too!
