

After ALA...given added interest by the YA winners

I went back to ALA on Monday...all a quiver to fill my bags with books and to meet folks. And indeed, I came home with just as many books as I could manage--one more and I would have ended up whimpering in the Metro corridors (though there were still books that I would have liked, that chance didn't send my way. And there weren't any ARCs of the new Bartimaeus book...). I didn't get a chance to meet many people (sigh), but I sure enjoyed seeing the people I did manage to hook up with (Pam, Tanita, Kelly, and Laura). And Tanita will be staying here at my mother's with us for two days, which will be lovely.

Now I just need to get reading, which is easier said than done, mainly because of the distractions of summertime fun with the boys here at grandma's house, which make for a certain lack of concentrated quiet time...

Here's the added interest part--the short lists for Canada's Sunburst Award (Canada's big juried sci fi award) have been announced, and here are the YA books in contention:

Megan Crewe, Give Up the Ghost (Henry Holt)
Maureen Garvie, Amy By Any Other Name (Key Porter)
Hiromi Goto, Half World (Penguin)
Lesley Livingston, Wondrous Strange (HarperTeen)
Arthur Slade, The Hunchback Assignment (HarperCollins)

Of which I have read just one (Wondrous Strange). And never even heard of two (Amy and Half World). Oh well.

(thanks to Science Fiction Awards Watch for the heads up)


  1. Were you able to grab a copy of "Pegasus"? I'm especially waiting for your review of that one =)

  2. So glad I got to run into you on Monday!

    I was sore on Tuesday morning from carrying around so many books, but it was worth it.

  3. I wish I'd known you were at ALA! I'd have loved to have met!

  4. Sounds like ALA was tons of fun.

    I hope Give up the Ghost wins the award. I really enjoyed that book.

  5. Yes, I got Pegasus! Yay!

    It was great seeing you, Pam, and I wish I'd know you were there too, PJ!

    And thanks for the plug for Give Up the Ghost, Natalie--I'll look for it.
