

The books my boys are getting for Christmas!

I'm about to put in my final book order for books, and thought I'd share what my boys are going to be getting this Christmas:

For my 7 year old:

Two Astrosaurs books: The Star Pirates, and Revenge of the Fang, by Steve Cole (the publisher sent us Cybils mg sff panelists review copies of the most recent edition to the series, and my boy loved it! my review)

The Coloring Book, by Herve Tullet (he likes to draw)

Mouseguard: Legends of the Guard Vol. 1
(he likes brave mice)

Gon Color Spectacular (in Gon, the ferocious, taciturn, fiercely loyal and incredibly determined (in a fierce way) dinosaur that time forgot (or something), my son has found a sole mate/hero).

For my 10 year old:

Built to Last, by David Macauley (he's loved D.M. since he was two or so...and I've loved D.M. since about 1977, so there you go...)

Worst-Case Survival Handbook: Weird Junior Edition, by David Borgenicht (no explanation needed)

The Prey and the Ghost, and Daughter of the Wind, by Roger Leloup -- vols. three and four of the Yoko Tsuno graphic novel series--he loves the first two vols., which I haven't read, and which I really should...(here's a review of the fourth one)

Kubla Kahn: The Emperor of Everything, by Kathleen Krull (another I haven't read, but which sounds great--as in this review)

I'm not getting him any chapter fiction, because he is such a picky reader--for every book he reads, at least five are rejected. And there's no series to which he is addicted at present, sigh.

What he would probably enjoy very much, but which I'm not getting him--- this series of nightmare plague books, reviewed by Amanda. They just don't say "Merry Christmas" to me, but boy, does he love plagues. I gave some almost serious consideration to getting him the deluxe "diseased tissue" sampler of slides, now he has his microscope set up, but I think I'll go with the more cheerful single-celled life set instead.

And finally, the books my husband knows he is getting:

The Burglarproof Bathplug, by Oliver Postgate (creator of many fine children's television shows, back in the 20th century U.K.)


What Matters? Economics for a Renewed Commonwealth, by Wendell Berry

He is getting other books, but he reads my blog...and I want them to be Surprises.

If I had to pick on of these to get my self (even though I know, it's not about Me), it would be The Burglarproof Bathtub--Postgate is both wise and entertaining.


  1. Lucky family! Looks like they're getting some great books.

  2. LOL so glad you liked the review...but you're right, not exactly cheerful!

  3. Thanks for sharing these lists, Charlotte. I have a boy 9 and a boy 6, and I'm always on the lookout for interesting books for them. I shall take a closer look at the ones on your post.


  4. I'm pretty amused at the idea of B. with Worst Case Scenario and fully assured that he will LOVE THAT.


    Hi, by the way. I realize I have disappeared down a hole, but Cybils. Geez.

  5. Does anyone not like brave mice?

  6. Thanks for commenting, all of youz.

    Lynn-- here are the books I got for them last year, when they were six and nine!

    An odd little collection....

    viz mice-- although my first reaction was to agree wholeheartedly, mb, after much Serious Thought I am wondering if I myself am not a true fan of Brave Mice. I like the Mouse Guard pretty well, but do not care for Desperaux at all... not do I have any desire to read Redwall!

    I think I like brave squirrels more.

  7. Thank you so much for adding the link to last year's list.

  8. I like this post so much I think I'm going to do one of my own. Hope you don't mind if I steal your idea.

  9. Please do, Brandy! I love to see what books other people get their kids...

  10. I'v never heard of the Leloup gns and they sound great for my 9 year old boy. He likes gns and while he asks me to read some pretty heavy duty stuff to him, he is a very reluctant reader himself. GNs are his favorite format and he's fine with manga or traditional.

    I will certainly get the first one and add to the pile under the tree to see if he likes this series!

    THANK YOU!!!
