

The Myers Briggs personality test, adapted for book blogs

Ever wondered what your blogs personality type was?  Now you can find out, with this special adaptation of the "Myers Briggs personality test for book blogs"! (not affiliated or endorsed by the Myers & Briggs Foundation."

At Kidlitcon 2017, in Hershey PA Nov. 3 and 4, I'll be running a session on using this adaptation of the Myers Briggs personality test to springboard a discussion on participants' blogging strengths and weakness, and how to use it as a starting point to think about what makes you happy as a blogger and a book reviewer, and things you might like to change.  I don't actually Believe that it is all true, necessarily, but I find MB an interesting take on preferences for ways of being in the world that has lots of applicability to the ways in which we review books.

Please take the personality test below (I might tweek it a bit in the next two weeks) and let me know your blog's personality type in the comments.  I'm still working on the descriptions of each book blog personality, and I'll be putting those up probably next weekend.

In the interests of simplicity, the test is divided into four sections, labeled according to the MB categories.  When you score it, you will be one of the two types for each section, and you'll end up with four letters, one from each section.

Note: “You” conflates your blog and yourself; it's not the actual you.  When appropriate, you (the blogger) should answer the questions as if it was your blog answering them.

Extrovert vs Introvert (E or I)

1. do you
(a) comment on blogs that are new to you, and try to reply to most, if not all, comments you get on your blog?
(b) wait for other bloggers to find you; when someone comments on your blog, mostly you just wish for blogging platforms to come with “like” buttons.

2. do you
(a) seek out new blogs to read; it’s always good to make new blog friends!
(b) feel comfortable staying in touch with the few blogs familiar to you that you’ve been following from the very beginning; those are enough to make you feel connected.

3. Would you rather
(a) participate in all manner of blog social activities (hops, readathons, challenges, blog tours, using other types of social media to promote your blog posts, etc.)
(b) stay quietly in your own corner of the blogosphere

 4.  In your blogging circle, are you
(a) pretty well caught up on blog reading and blogger news
(b) not caught up either of the above

5. Do you
(a) actively seek out connections to publishers and authors to expand your social network?
(b) feel pleased when such a connection comes your way, and try hard to remember to foster it.

 If you have more "a"s than "b"s, your blog is an extrovert, if not, it's an introvert
Intuition vs Sensation (if you are new to MB personalities, read the description here, after you take the test!)
1. In writing a book review are you more likely to

(a) do it in what seems to you “the usual” way (either your own usual way or an external idea of normative book blogging format)
(b) do it your own way, and not always the same “own way”
2.  Writers of blogs should

(a) “say what they mean and mean what they say.” Clarity of communication is important.  No one has the time to spend much effort trying to figure out what you are getting at and then maybe get it wrong. 
(b) enjoy the pleasure of communicating more elliptically through analogy and metaphor, not coming to the table with interpretations and critiques already set in stone but exploring your way to conclusions in the process of thinking about the book while writing about it.
3. Is it worse to

(a) skip from topic to topic from post to post without any concern for coherence or continuity of the ensemble, so that people ask “what is even the point of the blog? Is it books or garden pests?  If the former, childrens or adult?  If the latter, slugs or starlings?”
(b) be in a rut, so that people ask “didn’t I read this same post here last week?”

4.  Are you more likely to give a positive review to a book that is 
(a) sensible—realistic people and scenarios, played out in a believable way?
(b) imaginative—requires some suspension of disbelief

Nb:  This is not a question about taste in genres.  Obviously, fantasy books require more suspension of disbelief.  But there are plenty of fantasy books that make sense, and others that don’t feel as much need for sense.  The point of the question is – how quickly or how often do you reach a point of saying “I can no longer suspend my disbelief, this is not a book for me.”
5. Are you more interested in

(a) reading and reviewing the many (all too many) very fine and excellent books that you have on hand, all of which you want to read

(b) getting all the beautiful books because they exist and are beautiful and you need them

6. In picking your next read, do you
a. think calmly  about past experiences with the author, publisher and genre, and how much you really think along the same lines as that one reviewer who gushed about it.
b. instantly know in your heart based on chance book review reading/word of mouth that you and book x are destined for each other. 

7.  Would you rather
a. discuss how a book can be useful
b. discuss how a book  can spark readers' imagiations

If you are mostly a, mark yourself as Sensory, if b, mark yourself as N (Intuition)

Thinking vs Feeling

1. Are you more drawn to praising the
(a) convincing, really “well written.”
(b) touching (“this book gave me all the feels.”)

2.  would you ever give a book you didn’t personally like a more positive review than you really think it merits as a piece of writing because of circumstances extraneous to the words on the page?  (for instance, the author is in a desperate situation and a positive review might lead to a few more book sales so the children don’t go hungry, or maybe you think a particular publisher or author deserves support for publishing/writing this particular book)
(a) no
(b) yes
3. When making a critical statement, are you

(a) firm; no one would miss the point of the statement (ie, this book is [x not good thing].  I did not like this book.  This book is bad. Etc.)
(b) so gentle that when you write a review that you think clearly lays out why you didn’t like a book, people refer to it as a positive review.  (ie, “although there are doubtless many readers who will appreciate the extraordinarily detailed delicacy of the world building, I was not one of them of them.” ]

Select b if people have left comments saying “so glad you liked this one!” when in fact you didn’t.
4.  Which affects your reviewing choices (both what books to review and what to say about them) more?

(a) consistency of thought—holding all books to a certain standard

(b) harmonious human relationships – not wanting to hurt feelings (this doesn’t have to mean praising what you don’t like.  It could just mean bumping up a book you have a personal connection with in your review queue, and putting more effort into writing about it. Or not mentioning a picky small thing that doesn’t make or break the book (like an author saying “plush vegetation” instead of “lush vegetation.”  Or not reviewing a particular book at all.)

5.  When reviewing a book, are you more comfortable making
(a) critical statements based on the internal logic of the book and how well it is doing what it set out to do
(b) value judgements that might not make sense to anyone but yourself, or that might be the result of ideologies that you are bringing to the book

6.  In making decisions about what to read and how positive to be about it, do you feel more comfortable
(a) relying on standards that you apply more or less consistently
(b) spilling the feelings of the moment onto the screen

If you are more a, give yourself a T, if b, then give yourself an F.

Judging vs Perceiving (again, if you don't know what this means, refer to the website after answering...)
1. Do you prefer to

(a) schedule posts in advance, and stick to those deadlines
(b) put posts up whenever
2. which do you enjoy more?

(a) the joyous sense of completion and accomplishment you get from hitting post

(b) that period after reading a book when you daydream about what you’ll say about it, and you haven’t yet embarrassed yourself with hideous typos.

3.  Do you have blog posts
(a) Scheduled days, weeks, or even months in advance
(b) in mind as possibilities for some vague future time that may or may not ever happen and you probably will forget you meant to do it.

4.  Do you pick the books to review
(a) with careful thought and some degree of planning (either for coherence or for variety of genre or some such)
(b) randomly (even if you thought you might have some string of reviews in the works that had thematic coherence, it’s liable to go out the window)

5.  Which makes you happier:
(a) to have finished reading and reviewing a book
(b) looking at all the wonderful books to come

6.  which ability do you value more?
(a) being organized and methodical, so that the posting doesn’t become a vexing, possibly emotionally negative, chore
(b) being able to sit down and let a review pour out whenever you are so moved.

If more a, give yourself a J, if b, give yourself a P.  Tiebreaker--if you've ever said "I'm all caught up" you are J all the way...

You should now have 4 letters (which you should please leave in the comments,or send me privately if you are self-conscious?), and you can read about your blog personality type on line, or wait a week or so for me to write book blog personality descriptions....

thanks for playing!


  1. That was fun! I got ISTJ for my blog personality! Interesting, my personality type is INTJ. So I guess they're kind of close?

  2. I’m an IS(barely)FJ. I tend to get INFJ in tests but I swing pretty well between S/N a s T/F depending on the situation. This was fun!

  3. My blog is ESTJ. Only the E was borderline (I'm personally a strong I, but I'm much better about online communication than face to face communication.). The others were just about 100% STJ.

  4. Wow. I feel like a completely different person. My Blog is ENFJ. My real life is an INTJ but the N and J feel the same in both instances.

  5. ENTP (Ha, I'm such an introvert, but it seems my blog is not:)

  6. Oh, so clever! My blog is INTP, waffling into INFP depending on my mood. Which is pretty much what I am in person (I've never taken the actual test, though, so maybe I shouldn't sound so sure.) Funny thing is I keep wanting my blog to be E, but it just doesn't happen! (And in life I keep thinking I should be more F, but I do think T is stronger.)

  7. Strong I, personality-wise and blog-wise. But the others, I think I'm a rebel at heart, so when I answer the other six types come out all over the map. I sometimes/often get INTJ for a personality type, but I'm just as likely to take a Myers-Briggs and get INFP or INFJ, and the N is always a a little borderline. I tied all of the questions on this test after the first set, so what does that make me? Untypeable?

  8. Great questions! They have me thinking about my blogging habits and the difference between how I would like to blog vs. how I actually blog... I got IS_J (I could not settle on my answers for T/F, haha. I'm very inconsistent!). My personal type is INTJ. (Hope you're having a great time at Kidlitcon!)

  9. Hah, I really thought my blogging style would turn out differently than my actual personality, because my writing is so much more verbose than my real life, particularly since my very first answer was an extrovert one when then I is the strongest part of my Myers-Brigg type... but nope, that was one of only a very few answers that deviated, and MOSTLY the others left my blogging as INFP as the rest of me. That includes not only my personal blogging, but my paid blogging. I'm even that loose and scatterbrained professionally, yes!
