
Caravan Holiday, by Hilda Boden, for Timeslip Tuesday

Though I enjoy current fantasy lots and lots, my true comfort readers are mid-twentieth century UK fiction.  And so when I was given a copy of Caravan Holiday, by Hilda Boden (1953), I was very pleased, and when I found out it was an archaeological timeslip story, I should have been even more pleased, but the sad fact of the matter is that it wasn't great.

Timothy and Susan are spending the summer holiday in a caravan on a farm by the seaside, while their archaeologist parents investigate a possible stone age site.  They find a secluded little valley with  stream, where Timothy decides to build his own house, and perhaps even camp there.   A strange boy, Noor, shows up, who seems to know everything about building small temporary structures, starting fires, hunting animals, and other useful things.  Gradually it becomes clear that he's slipping through time from Neolithic England....

Join Timothy as he gets his archaeologist father's ideas about gender roles of the past hammered firmly home by Noor! Wince at the father's archaeological mansplaining to the mother, who is an archaeologist in her own right, although she is also wonderful at making a caravan a cozy home, and indeed it is in the domestic sphere that we see her most.  Wince as Noor keeps putting Susan in her place as a girl.  Wish Susan would kick him.

Wonder at the qualifications, which seem to be nil, of the archaeologist mother and father, and shudder at their methodology and the damage they seem to be doing to their site.  Yes, this was a while ago, but still.

Wonder as well what the jacket flap text meant by the  "adventures" the three children are supposed to be having, because there are none to be found.  Some hut building, some gender essentialism, and that's it.

Regret that the author could not make the characters more interesting. Wish they had talked to each other more about their different time periods, and think more could have been made of the clash of cultures.  Regret as well that the hut building, which could have been fun if more effort had been made making the furnishing of it, etc., real, was simply a construction project.  Think that joining the little sister, Susan, in making sand castles, which she would rather do than build huts, sounds rather nice.

But since it's only 94 pages long, there just isn't room for everything I would have liked.

There's some inconclusiveness about whether Noor is a real time-slipping boy or a figment of Timothy's imagination.  Anything organic that Noor brings to the campsite vanishes, but some stone tools remain (though of course they would have remained in any event).  But what convinced me this was really time travel is that the fire that Noor is able to effortlessly and almost instantly get going with two pieces of wood is very real, and so I think Noor must be too, because Timothy could never have done it on his own. 

short answer:  it sure could have been a good book if it had been a different one with the same basic plot and setting....


Voyages in the Underworld of Orpheus Black, by Marcus Sedgwick and Julian Sedgewick, illustrated by Alexis Deacon

Voyages in the Underworld of Orpheus Black, by Marcus Sedgwick and Julian Sedgewick, illustrated by Alexis Deacon (Walker Books US, August 13, 2019), is a strange, melancholy, moving fever-dream of a story.  It tells of young Henry Black, a conscientious objector battling the fires of the London blitz, who dreams of chronicling the war through his art and his journal writing (this journal constitutes the prose and pictures of the book).  His decision not to fight has created a rift between him and his father and brother, Ellis.  It's the loss of Ellis that hurts Henry most, and so he is glad that Ellis agrees to meet him at a London pub.  The two brothers don't exactly reconcile, but it is clear that their love is still alive at its roots.  And then, after Henry leaves the pub, it is bombed, as is the bus Henry was trying to take home.

When he wakes with a severe head injury in the hospital, his journal turns into a feverish record of his desperate efforts to find his brother and dig him out from the wreckage.  He is accompanied on his quest by Agatha, a German Jewish refugee child he met at the hospital, who is longing to find her parents.  Through the horrors of WW II London, the two of them travel, going ever deeper below the city.  And at last, they find what they were seeking.

Though Henry is not directly aware of it, he has a guide of sorts on his journey--Orpheus, who sees parallels between his own story and Henry's quest  to venture into the realm of death to bring back a loved one.  The reader, however, knows Orpheus is involved from the beginning; he presents his own poetic narrative alongside Henry's journal entries.  Orpheus' involvement gives a mythic gravitas to Henry's inchoate chronicle of his desperate journey through the hell of bombed London, and his prophetic words about future war, alongside strange futurist horrors dreamed of and drawn by Henry, lift this war from specific to universal terror.

It is not a fast, fun read.  You have to be in the right frame of mind, to take it as it comes and reflect and ponder without troubling too much about narrative coherence.  And I was able to do that, to an extent.  What held me back from being deeply involved was the poetry of Orpheus, which I did not care for.  I would much much much have preferred pure blank verse to the rhymes that kept popping up.  They just killed the mood for me.

I'm not quite sure who the perfect audience for the book is.  Greek mythology fans, looking for a retelling, might be disappointed; it's more an echoing than a reimagining (though small details were pleasing--Persephone, aka Kore, becomes a woman named Cora, for instance).  Some young readers might not have the patience to accept the strange.  But those young readers who do, in particular those drawn to thought-provoking meditations on history, will be rewarded.

dislaimer: review copy received from the publisher


This week's round-up of middle grade sci fi and fantasy from around the blogs (8/11/19)

Here's what I found this week; please let me know about anything I missed so I can add it!

The Reviews

Abby in Wonderland, by Sarah Mlynowski, at Jill's Book Blog

The Boy Who Cried Werewolf, by J.H. Reynolds, at YA Books Central

Cape, by Kate Hannigan, at Ms. Yingling Reads and Books4YourKids

The Crystal Ribbon, by Celeste Lim, at thelittlebookowl

The Elephant Secret, by Eric Walters, at Of Maria Antonia

Jagger Jones and the Mummy's Ankh, by Malayna Evans, at Charlotte's Library

The Land of Roar, by Jenny McLachlan, at Book Craic

Malamander, by Thomas Taylor, at Mom Read It

Nevermoor: The Trials of Morrigan Crow, by Jessica Townsend, at Mrs. Day's Summer Reading Blog

Order of the Majestic, by Matt Myklusch, at GeoLibrarian

The Peculiar Peggs of Ridling Woods, by Samuel J. Halpin, at Book Gannet Reviews

Princess BMX, by Marie Basting, at Storgy Kids

Rise of the Dragon Moon, by Gabrielle K. Byrne, at Charlotte's Library 

Rise of the Dragons, by Angie Sage, at Phyllis Wheeler

A Royal Guide to Monster Slaying, by Kelley Armstrong, at Jill's Book Blog

The Royal Rabbits of London, by Santa Motefiore and Simon Montefiore, at Read Till Dawn

The Secret Dragon, by Ed Clake, at Book Craic

Spark, by Sarah Beth Durst, at Imaginary Friends

Supernatural Pet Sitter: The Magic Thief, by Diane Moat, at Chanticleer Book Reviews

The Twelve, by Cindy Lin, at Cover2CoverMom

Authors and Interviews

Joshua C. Carroll, The Adventures of Sarah Ann Lewis and the Memory Thieves, at Writer Interivews

Other Good Stuff

25 sci fi books for kids at Book Riot

10 dragon books, at Book Riot
Twnty years later--the message of the Iron Giant, at Tor

Congratulations to Bob, by Wendy Mass and Rebecca Stead , winner of this year's Mythopoeic Award for Children's Literature


Rise of the Dragon Moon, by Gabrielle K. Byrne

Rise of the Dragon Moon, by Gabrielle K. Byrne (Macmillan, August 6, 2019), is a delightfully chilly middle-grade fantasy that's perfect escapist reading for a hot summer day!

Princess Toli is heir to the throne of a queendom of ice.  Her people live a hand to mouth existence, with starvation always a grim possibility, and the cyclical migrations of the dragons a grim certainty.  Toli hates the dragons.  Not only must her people offer a precious tithe of meat to them each year, but in an unprecedented fluke, dragons killed her father.  And Toli blames herself..

Toli's mother, the queen, wants Toli to set aside her dreams of being a great hunter like her father, though Toli has little interest in the minutia of keeping the queendom running smoothly.  But she gets little chance to obey her mother.  When this year's Dragon Moon rises, and the Queen must go out to meet the dragons, they seize her and carry her off.  Toli is convinced she must set out herself over the ice to bring her mother back.

In her first foray out on the ice alone, she finds a baby dragon, and confronts the two dragons that are searching for it, with seemingly malevolent intent.  Toli's hatred of the adult dragons ends up making her want to protect the hatchling, who the queen dragon wants back, from the adults.  The baby dragon proves impossible to hide from her younger sister Petal and her best friend, a boy named Wix, who find it charming, and grudgingly Toli warms to it as well.  And perhaps, she thinks, she can trade the baby for her mother.

Toli plans to set out to find the dragon queen alone, because of her feelings that she must atone for her father's death but her sister and friend won't let her, though she is harsh and dismissive about what they can contribute.  Iti's a good thing they both come, because Toli and the baby dragon would never have made it alone!  And when they reach Dragon Mountain, they find themselves confronted by the beginnings of a dragon civil war.   The stakes of the conflict are high for both humans and dragons--wll they be able to work together, or will they try to destroy each other?

All ends well, with lots of ground laid for new adventures for Toli and the little dragon...

It's a very good read, with the excitements of danger out on the ice and in the sky well-balanced by Toli's internal turmoil and character growth.  She has to learn to put her past actions in perspective, and to let others help her, and she realistically does so, realizing by the end that it's not all about her.  The baby dragon is cute as all get out, and will add tons of appeal for the target audience!

Though there is some grimness to the story, it's not wildly violent, and though there are depths to the story telling, the actual plot is fairly linear, so it's one that would be just fine for the whole range of "middle grade"- 9-12 year olds, and good as well for even younger confident readers.  And good too for us grownups sitting around in the heat wanting to be out in the bitter cold wind blowing across the ice...or flying above it on dragon-back.....

(I have just one very picky, very personal, thing I didn't care for--Toli is short for Anatolia, and her little sister is named Petal.  Neither name worked for me, the first because it's a real world place, and the second because petals have no place in an icy world.)

disclaimer: review copy received from the publisher.


Jagger Jones and the Mummy's Ankh, by Malayna Evans, for Timeslip Tuesday

Young fans of ancient Egypt will find much to enjoy in Jagger Jones and the Mummy's Ankh, by Malayna Evans (Month9Books, May, 2019), although it didn't quite work for me.

Jagger Jones is a biracial kid from Chicago who loves learning about the past, preferably from the comfort of his own home.  Unfortunately for Jagger, his mother and little sister, Aria, are both passionate about adventuring, and he's dragged around the world in their wake.  In Egypt, Jagger wakes one night to hear a voice calling out to him, and he follows it outside, followed in turn  by Aria, though she can't hear the voice.  Jagger digs into the ground to find its source, and the two kids find themselves in an undisturbed ancient Egyptian burial chamber, with a golden ankh, the source of the voice, resting on a mummy.  When Aria grabs hold of the ankh, they find themselves back in the time of Akhenaten, the pharaoh who rejected the Egyptian pantheon and set up his own religion.

Akhenaten's oldest daughter, who continues to worship the old gods, has called Jagger back to her time to help foil a plot--one of her father's general plans to murder her and her siblings (Aria was carried along as a bonus time-travelling extra).  Since Jagger and Aria are descendants of this family,  they will never be born if the murders are carried out, so they have an incentive to help.  This isn't the Egypt Jagger learned about in books; it is a place of real magic, and the pharaoh's daughter is a skilled practitioner of it.  Jagger isn't sure what exactly he and Aria can contribute, but the flood of events sweeps them off to Thebes to try to foil the general's magical machinations.

For a kid of 9-10 years old who loves all things ancient Egypt, this will be a lot of fun.  There are appearances by Egyptian gods, and lots of Egyptian magic, and of course Akhenaten and his family (including his son, Tutankhamen) are fascinating.  The 21st-century kids  keep the story relatable; for instance, it might well tickle young readers lots when Jagger pulls out his cell phone to use modern music as a weapon.

That being said, the book didn't work well for me.  Jagger is a rather passive character (Aria takes a more active role, although it comes with a perkiness that I found a bit exaggerated), and though there's an explanatory bit at the end about why he and Aria were the ones chosen to travel back in time, there was very little they actually did to contribute to the resolution of the danger (although Jagger does have one bright idea that comes in very useful).  This didn't bother me terribly much, because colorful and vivid adventures, such as make up the bulk of the story, can compensate for me not being sure the plot is built on a strong footing.

What really didn't work for me was the writing, which could have used a stronger editorial hand.  For instance, although goodness knows I over use and misuse commas myself, I really can't enjoy reading awkward comma clauses in books.  I found myself distracted from what was happening and looking at the sentence-level writing to see why I was finding it jarring, and so I couldn't really enjoy the story.

But for young lovers of ancient Egypt, this probably won't be a problem.


This week's roundup of middle grade sci fi and fantasy from around the blogs (8/4/19)

Welcome to another week of my blog reading, hunting for mg speculative fiction reviews and news!  Please let me know if I missed your post.

The Reviews

Amelia Fang and the Barbaric Ball, by Laura Ellen Anderson, at Always in the Middle and Feed Your Fiction Addiction

Aru Shan and the End of Time, by Roshani Chokshi, at Rajiv's Reviews

The Bone Garden, by Heather Kassner, at Charlotte's Libary

The Book of the King (The Wormling #1) by Jerry B. Jenkins and Chris Fabry, at Say What?

Briar and Rose and Jack, by Katherine Coville, at Pages Unbound

Fire Girl, Forest Boy, by Chloe Daykin, at Magic Fiction Since Potter

The Girl Who Drank the Moon, by Kelly Barnhill, at Book Craic

Lair of the Beast (Snared #2)., by Adam Jay Epstein, at Say What?

The Lost Tide Warriors, by Catherine Doyle, at Magic Fiction Since Potter

Love Sugar Magic series review, by Anna Meriano, at Falling Letters

Moonlocket (Cogheart #2), by Peter Bunzl, at A Dance With Books

A Small Zombie Problem, by K.G. Campbell, at Geo Librarian

The Sword of the Wormling (The Wormling #2), by Jerry B. Jenkins and Chris Fabry, at Say What?

Authors and Interviews

Jess Redman (The Miraculous) at Middle Grade Book Village

Heidi Land and Kati Bartkowski (A Pinch of Phoenix, Magical Cooking Chronicles #3) at Middle Grade Book Village

Other Good Stuff

What's new in the UK, at Mr Ripleys Enchanted Books

"Middle Grade and YA fantasties to read based on your Hogwarts House" at Pages Unbound

The Kidlitcon 2020 website is up and running!  Check it out, and make your plans to come to Ann Arbor next March for a great time with kindred spirits!  And if you're interested in being on the program, let the organizers know!  Thanks to the generosity of the Ann Arbor library, there's no registration fee this year.


The Bone Garden, by Heather Kassner

The Bone Garden, by Heather Kassner (middle grade, Henry Holt, August 6 2019), is a lovely, creepy story perfect for those who love children finding found families.

Eleven-year-old Irréelle is used to spending her days hunting beneath the cemetery that is her home, making her way through dark tunnels of the bone garden to fetch the bone dust for her mistress, the demanding Miss Vesper.  She's never rewarded for her efforts; Miss Vesper constantly finds fault with her, criticizing her mismatched, crooked body.  It's Miss Vesper's fault that Irréelle is not a perfectly shaped girl, because she was the one who made her, something she's constantly reminding the girl about.  Irréelle is terrified that Miss Vesper, her creator, will un-create her some day, and also can't help but hope that if she is good enough, she can be remade into a "normal" girl.

Her life is lonely, until she meets two other children in the graveyard, Guy and Lass, and befriends as well on of Miss Vesper's new creations, a disembodied hand with a mind of its own.  The strange group take on a mission, finding a lost grave that could solve the mystery underling Miss Vesper's past, and their own strange lives.  Miss Vesper is not at all happy that Irréelle has started acting independently, and the threat she poses grows, while at the same time, Irréelle begins to realize just how little chance there was of Miss Vesper every caring for her. 

Irréelle's growth in self-confidence and self-reflection is inspiring, and the bonds of friendship she forges that help her in this are beautifully strong.  Guy and Lass, who are tougher to begin with, are a great foil for her, and the disembodied hand adds surprising comic relief. The creepy factor adds a macabre ambience to her story while not being so horrific as to terrify--yes, there are lots of dead bodies around, but it's not a gotcha sort of horror.

Short answer--a great one for kids who enjoy friendship stories with spooky atmosphere!

disclaimer: review copy received from the publisher.


One Word Kill, by Mark Lawrence, for Timeslip Tuesday

One Word Kill, by Mark Lawrence (47North, May 2019) , is a time travel story in which changes to the past create multiple timelines.  It's the story of 15 year old Nick, a math genius who enjoys playing D. and D. with his three buddies, and what happens when a girl, Mia, joins the game.  It's the story of Nick finding out he has cancer.  These concerns, even the fact that Nick might be dying, are back-burnered when a strange man starts stalking Nick, telling him that Mia is in danger and needs his help.

Saving future Mia involves a dangerous heist, and it also involves surviving the violent attentions of a gang of drug-dealing thugs, one of whom is a true psychopath.  Fortunately, the strange man is there to help when things get really ugly.

Turns out (and this isn't much of a spoiler, because it's told to the reader fairly early on) that this stranger is Nick from the future, come back to save future Mia.  Though his timeline's Mia might be in jeopardy, there are many many timelines in which this won't be the case, but future Nick is concerned only about saving the one Mia he knows, so he can't alter his own past too much, or he'll simply go off on a different timeline.  It's a delicate balance, and a delicate premise for the reader to except, because future Nick is making choices that present Nick can't entirely condone, choices that bring tragedy to one of the D. and D. boys.

It's not one that was exactly to my personal cup of tea-the heist and the violence of the gang members, and my inability to embrace future Nick's plans kept me from truly enjoying it.  That's a mater of taste, though, and not a criticism of the book.   It was fun going back to the 1980s, though, and the characters were great. Nick, being thoughtful and smart, and with a mathematical brain, adds a philosophical depth to the rushing around; here's a quote that captures, pretty well, how he's thinking:

"The equations that govern the universe don't care about 'now'. You can ask them questions about this time or that time, but nowhere in the elegance of their mathematics is there any such thing as 'now'. The idea of one specific moment, one universal 'now' racing along at sixty minutes an hour, slicing through the seconds, spitting the past out behind it and throwing itself into the future... that's just an artefact of consciousness, something entirely of our own making that the cosmos has no use for."

This sort of digression seems like it might slow things down, but it actually helps the story stay conherent, keeping the larger time-travel element of the plot in the forefront of the reader's attention.  

The relationship between Nick and Mia starts to become a romance, but given the circumstances, it doesn't get very far, so on that grounds this would be fine for younger tween-ish readers.  It's also quite short, and quite fast-paced (albeit with the aforesaid digressions), so it is not a daunting book, though it does require some focus to wrap your mind around it all.  Kids who want to read it for the D. and D. might feel a bit sore when gaming gives way to real life adventures, but what there is of the game is solid (and the book's title refers back to a spell that's important to the game...).

It's a self-contained story, but leaves room for more.  And indeed it's on Goodreads as "Impossible Times #1" so more should be coming, which pleases me.


The week's round-up of middle grade science fiction and fantasy from around the blogs (7/28/19)

Here's what I found this week; please let me know of anything I missed!

(It may not be the longest list of links ever, but still I visited three blogs new to me and found two books I'd not yet heard of, so that's a win in my book!)

The Reviews

Artemis Fowl, by Eoin Colfer, at Madison's Inkwell

The Bad Luck Lighthouse, by Nicki Thornton, at thereaderteacher

Bad Order, by B.B. Ullman, at Always in the Middle

Banneker Bones and the Alligator People, at Charlotte's Library

Beauty and the Beast: Lost in a Book, by Jennifer Donnelly, at Pages Unbound

Bone Garden by Heather Kassner, at Log Cabin Library 

The Camelot Code, by Mari Mancusi, at Cover2Cover

Carnival Catastrophe (The Problim Children #2) by Natalie Lloyd, at Log Cabin Library

Changling (The Oddmire #1), by William Ritter, at Carina's Books, Young Adult Books-What We're Reading Now, and Howling Libraries

Darkwood, by Gabby Hutchinson Crouch, at Rachel Neumeier

The Dragon in the Library, by Louie Stowell, at Book Craic

The Morganas and the Jewel of Bar-Ran, by K.T. Dady, at A Garden of Books

Nevermoor: The Trials of Morrigan Crow, by Jessica Townsend, at proseandkahn (audiobook review)

Outwalkers, by Fiona Shaw, at Hidden in Pages

The Root of Magic by Kathleen Benner Duble, at proseandkahn and The Book Monsters

A Royal Guide to Monster Slaying, by Kelly Armstrong, at Sharon the Librarian

The Simple Art of Flying, by Cory Leonardo, at This Kid Reviews Books

The Strangers, by Margaret Peterson Haddix, at Becky's Book Reviews

Through the Untamed Sky (Riders of the Realm #2), by Jennifer Lynn Alvarez, at Say What?

The Tzar's Curious Runaways, by Robin Scott-Elliot, at Mr Ripleys Enchanted Books

Until the Celebration (Green Sky #3), by Zilpha Keatley Snyder, at Say What?

Urchin of the Riding Stars (Mistmantle Chronicles #1), by M.I. McAllister, at Redeemed Reader 

Authors and Interviews

Chris Colfer (A Tale of Magic) at USA Today



Banneker Bones and the Alligator People, by Rob Kent

Banneker Bones and the Alligator People, by Rob Kent (Create Space, May 2019) brings 11-year-old cousins Banneker and Ellicott back for a second action packed adventure!  No sooner had they foiled an evil plot involving giant robot bees, as told in their first book  (my review), then they are caught up in an even eviler one.   

When they set off flying on their jet packs that night (Banneker is a mad inventor extraordinaire), little did they know they end up following an alligator person into the city sewer!  It didn't go well, but worst of all, no one believes they were attacked by an alligator person.   Possibly this is because Banneker, never one to pass up a chance for the spotlight, proclaims on tv that "This is the start of the alligator people apocalypse!" 

It's actually not, though the alligator people are indeed real, and they are indeed unhappy with the non-alligator people.  The real villain of the piece is an incredibly wealth and powerful man who puts getting even more wealth and more powerful ahead of anything else, including his family.  Banneker might have a nice arsenal of technology and cool gadgets, but the villain has an army of robots and an even greater arsenal.  Banneker, though, has a brain, and he has Ellicott, who provides additional brain power, and a rational balance to Banneker's excess (possibly it's more accurate to say that Ellicott, the real hero of the series, has Banneker as a sort of incredibly powerful loose cannon).  

The book reads as a sort of celebration of the wild fictions of the National Enquirer, mixed with the feel of vintage action and adventure comics.  Lots of kapows!  Lots of robots and jet packs and fabulous wealth.  Lots of "alligator people amongst us."  And kids who love page turning excitement will find plenty here to keep the pages turning.

As well as the obvious (it didn't need to be belabored to be right there in the story) "family is actually more important than wealth" and "there are lines that shouldn't be crossed when pursuing wealth and power"  messages, there's also a more weighty side the story, though, about the ethics of genetic manipulation, and about the rights of non-human persons).  And in the midst of their adventures, Banneker, seen from the outside, and Ellicott, whose point of view the reader shares,  come alive to the reader as interesting characters.

So all this to say that Rob Kent seems to me to have done a really good job of writing the sort of story he wanted to write, and I can imaging lots of readers loving it!  That being said, it isn't actually my personal favorite type of book (I enjoy books in which people stay quietly at home, indulging in simple, domestic pastimes--weeding the garden, going shopping in the village, bantering with clever siblings, perhaps an exciting walk up the hill,, etc.) And this is most emphatically not that sort of book, which, depending on your own taste, either adds appeal or does not.

(for those looking for diverse characters, Bannecker's biracial-- his mom is black, his dad white).  He also has a slew of non-neurotypical characteristics, that don't define him but are part of his being who is). 

(for those leery of self-published books because of bad experiences reading poorly edited prose--there is no need for any worry in that regard!  I am easily annoyed by mistakes (my own included) and was not troubled once during my reading!)

disclaimer: review copy received from the author, who I've known through his blog, Middle Grade Ninja, for years and years.


This week's round-up of middle grade sci fi and fantasy from around the blogs (7/21/19)

Here's what I found this week; please let me know of anything I missed!

The Reviews

Amelia Fang Books 1 and 2 Amelia Fang and the Barbaric Ball and Amelia Fang and the Unicorns of Gliteropolis), by Laura Ellen Anderson, at Word Spelunking

Aru Shah and the Song of Death, by Roshani Chokshi, at Reading Books with Coffee

Asha and the Spirit Bird, by Jasbinder Bilan, at Way Too Fantasy

Battle of the Beetles, by M.G. Leonard, at Arkham Reviews

The Big Foot Files, by Lindsay Eager, at Puss Reboots

Bob, by Wendy Mass and Rebecca Stead, at Milliebot Reads

Bonefires and Broomsticks, by Mary Norton, at Fantasy Literature

Changling (The Oddmire Book 1), by William Ritter, at J.R.'s Book Reviews, Forever Lost In Literature, Books and Wafffles

Genie in a Bottle (Whatever After #9), by Sarah Mlynowski at Jill's Book Blog

The Girl of Ink and Stars, by Kiran Millwood Hargrave, at Book Craic

The Maker of Monsters, by Lorraine Gregory, at Book Craic

Midsummer's Mayhem, by Rajani LaRocca, at books4yourkids

Moonlocket (The Cogheart Adventures #2), by Peter Bunzl, at Log Cabin Library

Music Boxes, by Tonja Drecker, at Storeybook Reviews

The Owls Have Come to Take Us Away, by Ronald L. Smith, at Rosi Hollinbeck

The Rambling, by Jimmy Cajoleas, at Looking Glass Reads

The Root of Magic, by Kathleen Benner Duble, at Cracking the Cover

Serafina and the Seven Stars, by Robert Beatty, at Sharon the Librarian

The Twelve, by Cindy Lin, at Ms. Yingling Reads

The Wild Lands, by Paul Greci, at Ms. Yingling Reads

Authors and Interviews

Ronald L. Smith (The Owls Have Come to Take Us Away) at Charlotte's Library

William Ritter (The Oddmire) at From the Mixed Up Files

Other Good Stuff

"So Your Kid is Reading Harry Potter... a Christian Family's Response" at Redeemed Reader

The call for Cybils Award judges will be coming soon (mid August).  Visit the Cybils Instagram for tips on how to prepare! If your interested in being a panelist for middle grade speculative fiction (the category I run), and have questions, please let me know! charlotteslibrary at gmail dot com (it feels very old school to write email address this way; is it still necessary?)

and finally,  I have a new kitten!  Here is little Meeple (this is actually a color picture; a symphony of gray...)


The Owls Have Come to Take Us Away, by Ronald L. Smith (review and interview)

I first had the pleasure of meeting Ronald L. Smith at Kidlitcon back in 2015 (PSA--come to Kidlitcon 2020 in Ann Arbor next March!).  His first middle grade book, Hoodoo, a tale of supernatural horror in the south, had just been published, and I enjoyed it very much (my review).  I likewise enjoyed The Mesmerist (2017), about kids fighting evil in 19th century London (my review).  I never reviewed Black Panther: the Young Prince (2018)….someday I will.  So in any event, I was very excited about his most recent book, The Owls Have Come to Take Us Away (Clarion Books, February 2019).

This is the story of an air force kid, Simon, son of a black mom and a white dad, who's obsessed with aliens.  He's convinced owl-like aliens have arrived, watching and experimenting on humans.  His family has no time or patience for aliens, so Simon is alone with his fears of the Grays, as he calls them.  When something very strange happens on a camping trip with his dad, Simon is convinced he was targeted by the aliens, and that a chip has been implanted in his stomach.

Are the aliens a projection of Simon's own anxieties (he feels his father is disappointed in his lack of athleticism, fondness for gaming, and his social insecurity), or are they a real threat, that no one else around him believes in?  His parents think his fears are psychological, and take him to a psychiatrist who medicates him, but Simon doesn't cooperate.   Readers must keep guessing; Simon's other obsession, the fantasy book he's writing, makes it clear that he's a tremendously imaginative, creative person, and are the Grays simply another story he's telling himself?

Whether or not the aliens are real, Simon's distress certainly is, and the scary tension keeps growing throughout the book!  Young fans of sci fi horror creeping into our world will love it, especially those who feel that the grown-ups don't take them seriously.

Here are some questions I had for Ronald L. Smith, that he graciously answered.

What inspired you to write Owls? 

Well, I have a lot of ideas brewing in my brain. I thought it would be cool to try something more contemporary than my other books. I have an unhealthy fascination with UFOs and aliens so I thought it would be a good subject. Also, the book is set on an Air Force base, which is where I spent my life growing up. There is a whole subculture around military bases that people don’t know about. It’s a certain way of life. Since I know it well I thought it would provide a good backdrop. Also, aliens and UFOs are a timeless subject.

Part of what makes Owls so interesting is the uncertainty about the whether the aliens are real or not.  When you started writing Owls, did you know which way you were going to go?

Yes. But the book also changed a little in edits. The big idea stayed true to what I envisioned. 

Likewise, although Owls is a middle grade book (9-12 year olds) it felt to me like it could easily have been born a Young Adult book....did you always think of it as middle grade, or were there times it wanted to be YA?  (would you like to write YA?)

I always thought of it as MG. That’s the category I like most. It would be a little different, though, if it were YA. My main character, Simon, would have had different hopes and fears. A younger protagonist allowed me to tap into the mind of a twelve-year-old and imagine how he would handle such a weird subject. As to writing YA, I have some ideas. Maybe one day!

(a question for those of us who have read the book...) Do you think the ending is entirely happy?  

Well, I’ll leave that one up to the reader. It’s hopeful but also kind of disturbing! 

Which of your books did you most enjoy writing, and what are you working on now?

Oh, wow. I’m sure you know the answer, as you’ve interviewed a lot of writers. I can’t really say which is my favorite. They all have their challenges and bright spots. I really enjoyed writing Owls. It was fun to write something contemporary but with one disturbing—albeit big—element to it. My next book is called GLOOMTOWN. It’s a fantasy novel about two kids named Rory and Isabella who live in a town called Gloom. The sun never shines there. But there’s a reason for that. There’s also a creepy mansion called Foxglove Manor, Black Sea mariners, a carnival and a scary group called Arcanus Creatura. It’s gonna be fun! 

Finally, any advice for young writers and/or young believers in aliens? 

For young writers, read a lot. Fiction. Nonfiction. Comics. Graphic novels. Memoirs and biographies. Newspapers. Just read. Reading is your best teacher. Share your work with like-minded friends and writers. Try to write a little each day, even if it’s just your own thoughts. And if you believe in aliens, you’re not alone! (See what I did there?) 

Thank you, Ronald!  I'll look forward to Gloomtown.  I love creepy mansions!


The Square Root of Summer, by Harriet Reuter Hapgood, for TImeslip Tuesday

For those of us for whom summer feels faintly unreal, with its langerous heat and the disaloution of the routines of the school year, and all the work that needs doing outside, here's a romantic timeslip story of in which reality does indeed become unraveled. The Square Root of Summer, by Harriet Reuter Hapgood (Roaring Brook Press 2016), is a story of a teenaged girl's grief and growing-up, the wormholes that are moving her back and for from her past to her present, and her efforts to understand what's happening through math and introspection.

 Last summer, Gottie (short for Margot) lost her grandfather, the cornerstone of her family. Before that, she lost her childhood soulmate, Thomas, when he moved away and left her with a hole in her memory. After that, she lost her heart to her older brother's friend Jason, who ended up dumping her. Now Thomas and Jason are both back in her life, but she is unsure of where her heart stands in relationship to them. And her bottled-up unhappiness and uncertainty is pushing her away from her best friend Sophia.

When wormholes to her past start opening up in front of Gottie, the cork to her bottled-up feelings is popped. And as she revisits her past, though she's mostly just a spectator, things change. Some seem like changes of the better--chance to fix mistakes. Other changes seem disastrous. Gottie, fascinated by theoretical physics, tries to make mathematical sense of what the universe is doing around her, but instead finds both the math, and her forced introspection, starting to make more sense of her own life and choices. And so in the end she comes to the point of being able to hold on to real love, while still mourning what has been lost. I loved Margot's fascination with math. It didn't made mathematical sense to me, but since I figured it wouldn't I didn't try hard; on the other hand, I liked reading the math, and it did work for me as metaphor (although almost everything works for me as metaphor...). I liked the way the time slips played out, forcing Gottie to look at her past choices and how they continue to play out. I wasn't quite convinced that her grief was sufficient catalyst for it all to happen, as us readers are led to believe, but whatever (catalyst shmatalyst, as long as it's a good story). And I'm never really a fan of childhood best beloved friend morphing into true love, but again, it worked for the story. I was somewhat thrown off at first by Americanisms; in a book by an English author set in England I don't expect to find college, kindergarten, and Jello....but the Americanisms only caught my eye the first part of the book, as if some Anglo-averse editor lost interest, because "jumper" instead of sweater, for instance, appeared later on...On the other hand, it's been thirty years since I lived in England, and so maybe they do say college to mean university more commonly these days. Short answer--not my favorite time slip YA, but a pleasant romantic story with interesting time slip physics.


this week's round-up of middle grade sci fi and fantasy from around the blogs (7/14/19)

Here's what I found this week; please let me know of anything I missed!

The Reviews

And All Between (Green Sky #3), by Zilpha Keatley Snyder, at Say What?

The Book of Dust, by Philip Pullman, at Girl With Her Head in a Book

Brightstorm, by Vashti Hardy, at Charlotte's Library

Changling (the Oddmire #1), by William Ritter, at Metalphantasmreads, Storythreads, and Bookworm for Kids

The Haunting of Henry Davis, by Kathryn Siebel, at From My Bookshelf

The House with Chicken Legs, by Sophie Anderson, at Arkham Reviews

The Longest Night of Charlie Moon, by Christopher Edge, at Middle Grade Mafia

The Lost Tide Warriors, by Catherine Doyle, at Book Craic 

The Magic Bed-Knob, by Mary Norton, at Fantasy Literature

Nevermoor: The Trials of Morrigan Crow, by Jessica Townsend, at Heather's Reading Hideaway

The Rithmatist, by Brandon Sanderson, at Read Till Dawn

Serafina and the Seven Stars, by Robert Beatty, at the B and N Kids Blog

Ship Rats: A Tale of Heroism on the High Seas, by Rhian Waller, at Nayu's Reading Corner

Simon Grey and the March of a Hundred Ghosts, by Charles Kowalski, at The Reading Bud

A Small Zombie Problem, by K.G. Campbell, at Lost in Storyland, Satisfaction for Insatiable Readers,  and From My Bookshelf

Authors and Interviews

Kara LaRue (The Bland Sisters series) at From the Mixed Up Files

Rajani LaRoca (Midsummer's Mayhem) at Taleoutloud and Michelle I. Mason

Caroline Carlson (The Door at the End of the World) at Stephanie Burgis

Nicole Valentine (A Time-Traveller's Theory of Relativity) at My Brain on Books

Juliette Forrest (The True Colours of Coral Glen) at thereaderteacher.com

Other Good Stuff

What's new in the UK, at Mr Ripleys Enchanted Books

A booklist of favorite mice at Redeemed Reader

Disney news rounded up at A Backwards Story

"A Debut Middle-Grade Author's Life-Changing Tweet" at Publishers Weekly

Congratulations to Cressida Cowell, just named Waterstones Children's Laureate for the coming year!


The Kitten Kingdom is a fun new fantasy series for elementary readers

I don't tend to seek out books for early elementary grade kids, but I'm by no means averse to reading them when they come my way (not just because it's a fast way to notch a few more books read with an eye to meeting my Goodreads goal for the year).  I just read the first two books in a new series for kids 5-8ish--Kitten Kingdom: Tabby's First Quest, and the second book, Tabby and the Pup Prince, by Mia Bell (Scholastic, May 2019) and am happy to recommend them!

Tabby is a kitten princess, but she and her brothers sometimes find it hard to behave with royal decorum (they are kittens, after all).  And Tabby dreams of having wild adventures...One day an adventure falls into the kittens' paws when the evil lord of the rats, Gorgonzola, steals the magic scroll that confers the power to rule on their parents.  If it isn't recovered, the rats will take over the kingdom of Mewtopia!  So Tabby squelches a bit of self-doubt and transforms herself and her brothers into heroes (the Whiskered Wonders) and leads her brothers on a quest into the subterranean rat realm to find it....and saves the day.

In her second adventure, Tabby and her brothers are apprehensive when a state visit from the neighboring dog royalty means they'll have to entertain a puppy, something they've never even met before.  Fortunately the cat royals have a magic orb that will allow them to produce all the food cats and dogs love best.  But then the orb is stolen by Gorgonzola and his rat minions!  The puppy prince joins the Whiskered Wonders, using his gifts of sniffing and fetching to bring the orb back safely.

These are entertaining books, with fast paced adventures and entertaining illustrations.  The text is substantial without being overwhelming for readers still finding their feet, and the second book has the added bonus of the kittens and puppy working together despite their differences.  There's no nuance in the villainy of the rats, but Gorgonzola is an age-appropriate enemy.

Well I remember the relief I felt when my boys would find a new series they liked, and I could relax for a bit about what to give them to read next! Books 3 of Kitten Kingdom, Tabby and the Catfish, is out this July, and book 4, Tabby Takes the Crown, comes out in October.

Charming fun.

disclaimer: review copies received from the publisher


Brightstorm, by Vashti Hardy

Back to blogging after vacation time, happily with a book I loved to write about!

Brightstorm, by Vashti Hardy (published in the UK March 2018, Scholastic), is a gorgeous middle grade adventure, one of my favorite books of the year so far!  I am so happy that some savvy Rhode Island librarian (Ashaway RI to be precise) reached across the Atlantic to add it to our state library system!

Twins Arthur and Maudie are left destitute in an alternate version of London when their father never returns from a voyage in his airship to reach the South Polaris on the mysterious Third Continent.  He's considered guilty of failing to render aid to his chief competitor in his quest for the polaris, the powerful Eudora Vine.  Then Arthur and Maudie are taken on as crew by a young captain, Harriet Culpepper, who flies an airship like no other.  She's determined to beat Eudora in a second race to the polaris, and Maudie and Arthur are determined to all they can to help, partly for the large cash prize and the thrill of it, but in larger part, especially for Arthur, to find out what really happened to their father.

The journey through the skies goes smoothly, but disaster strikes when they reach the third continent.  Their ship has been sabotaged, and now they've crashed into a wasteland where giant  beasts, who apparently attacked their father's crew, prowl through the snow.  Harriet, Maudie, Arthur, and the indominable ship's cook, Felicity, race through bitter cold across treacherous ice...but Eudora Vine is an enemy who will stop at nothing.

In the end, the mystery of their father's death is solved, Eudora is thwarted, and all is well. 
Not only is it a good story, with a steady buildup to the exciting race at the end, but it has great characters.  I'm of course all in favor for strong girls who are geniuses at mechanics, like Maudie and Harriet, but it's also lovely to see a boy like Arthur, who isn't particular gifted at practical, boy-coded things find his own gifts of intuition, observation, and thoughtful communication.  It's this later gift that wins the group surprising allies who keep them alive in the cold south.  Arthur was born without his right arm, and though this is a hindrance in some respects, and though he's sick of people's reactions, it's not a handicap that defines him in anyway, which I also appreciated.

A final appreciation is  for the condemnation of rapacious, violent colonial exploration and exploitation, not made a heavy handed Point of, but made very firmly clear.

An even more final appreciation--Harriet's airship has a great onboard library which both twins love.

And one more quick one--Felicity the cook is a real hero! (her actual age isn't specified, but she read as a middle-aged women to me, which was nice for me).

In short, a quick bright read that's a true delight!

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