It is Little Rabbit's first day at school! And Charlie Horse, his beloved wooden toy, is going too. Mama does her best, but "No, Mama," says Little Rabbit (I hear that a lot too...). Off go Little Rabbit (very cute in his blue jumpsuit) and Charlie Horse. School is fun, but Charlie Horse keeps getting into trouble. He wants to gallop, he wants to dance, and he jumps in the class cake batter! The worst comes on the nature walk, when Charlie Horse leads Little Rabbit away from the group, and they are lost. They are soon found again, but that night, Little Rabbit tells Mama that the next day Charlie Horse can stay home-- "He's too naughty for school."
It is a clever, sweet and funny book, perfect for any Mother or Father who's a bit worried about the First Day. And the children will like it too, and perhaps decide not to take their own Charlie Horse equivalent to school. Even though my little one's dragon, Red Fire Flyer, still goes, he's learned he has to sleep in the cubbie during the day.
There are three other Little Rabbit books--Little Rabbit Lost, Little Rabbit Runaway, and Little Rabbit's New Baby. They are all lovely.
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