So it's not the most earth shaking award, but heck. It's always good to know what's happening Over There. Waterstone's, the British book store chain, has announced its shortlist of books nominated for the Waterstone's Children's book prize:
Tumtum and Nutmeg by Emily Bearn (Egmont)
Broken Soup by Jenny Valentine (HarperCollins)
Stone Goblins by David Melling (Hodder Children's Books)
Blue Sky Freedom by Gabrielle Halberstam (Macmillan)
Between Two Seas by Marie-Louise Jensen (OUP)
Shadow Forest by Matt Haig (RHCB)*
Ancient Appetites by Oisín McGann (RHCB)
TIM, Defender of the Earth by Sam Enthoven (RHCB)
Ways to Live Forever by Sally Nicholls (Scholastic)
This award "focuses on emergent authors who have had up to three books published." I guess if you have four books published, you've emerged, and there you are.
I haven't heard of any of these, let alone read them. Probably because they aren't here in the US yet, and I haven't had a chance to run over to the UK for book shopping recently. But I guess its good to know that once the Cybils reading is done (about 75 more books to go) there will be other books to read...
Here's the full article.
*(The US title of this is Samuel Blink and the Forbidden Forest. Not a change for the better, in my opinion. From the website: Samuel "has no idea a giant log is about to fall from the sky and change his life forever."Hmm).
Hi there, thank you so much for posting this list on your website! The books aren't published in the UK yet either, so that's why you haven't heard of them. And several of us are debut authors. But I really hope you get to read some of the books sometime.