
Link to Publishers Weekly reivew of Chalice

Chalice, Robin McKinley's forthcoming book, was just reviewed in Publishers Weekly. Here's a quote:

Mirasol and the new Master are drawn to each other, even though she suspects their union is prohibited, and their smoldering attraction—plus the gorgeously evoked magic and the escalating threat that Willowlands will be usurped—gives this tale its sizzle. In the best McKinley fashion, the fantasy realm is evoked in thorough and telling detail, with the energy of the narrative lending excitement to descriptions of even the most stylized rituals. A lavish and lasting treat.

And here's the link to the whole thing--just scroll through the picture books.


  1. Must read; thanks for the link to the review. The Hero and the Crown (I know, McKinley doesn't like to talk about it!) was a formative book for me. My copy's upstairs and I can still quote Luthe to Aerin--"It's not sleep you'll be getting." Eek.


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