
A Samuel Delany link, an Ursula Le Guin link, plus a third bonus mystery link

Wesleyan University Press has released a new edition of The Jewel-Hinged Jaw: Notes on the Language of Science-Fiction, by Samuel R. Delany, with revisions and expansions of the original essays and a new introduction by Matthew Cheney, a columnist for Strange Horizens. It sounds fascinating. At Omnivoracious, Cheney interviews Delany about, among other things, writing non-fiction about science fiction.

(Speaking of the language of science fiction, here's a diverting post from Eva's Book Addiction about the language of fantasy...)

And here's a chat with Ursula Le Guin, from the New Yorker last July, in which she discusses The Left Hand of Darkness. Topics include the fact that the main character is described, in a very off-hand way, as black, the inclusion of stories within the story, sex, and gender.

She really is in a class all by herself, in my opinion. Wouldn't it be cool if she won the Nobel Prize? Although my money would have to be on The Graveyard Book (it having won just about everything else).

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