

Reviews that made me want the middle grade sci fi/fantasy book to be nominated

I'm on the first-round panel for middle grade science fiction and fantasy for the Cybils, and so I'm keeping a very interested eye on what's been nominated. I thought today I'd share a list of reviews that made me want particular books to be nominated, because they look so darn good and I don't really have time to read anything that's not on the list.

So. Here is Part 1 of My List of Books that Haven't Been Nominated Yet that I Want to Read:

Be A Genie in Six Easy Steps, at Never Jam Today: "Be a Genie in Six Easy Steps is truly to Nesbit what Snyder's Any Which Wall is to Edward Eager: a lively continuation of a great author's legacy. One of my favorite books of 2009." Sold. I am so sold. I had no idea I wanted to read this book so badly.

The Undrowned Child, at Bookwitch "...for anyone who might feel the need for something Harry Potterish after HP himself; look no further. And if you’re not, I still recommend reading this mermaid war drama set in Venice." And then she adds "...don’t be put off by the mermaids. Anything less mermaidish I’ve not come across. It’s not cute; it’s exciting and different."

Back in July, Doret at TheHappyNappyBookseller wrote about The Poisons of Caux, and I left a comment saying I'd look for it, but I never did. I still want it, though. (EDITED: it's now been nominated).

The Unfinished Angel, at 3T News and Reviews.

City of Fire, reviewed at Good Books for Kids: Yep "...sets his story in an alternate universe where an alternate earth enjoys magic and magical creatures; and where certain historic events, such as World War II, never happened. [Hawaii remains an independent country!]"

I've never read The Runaway Princess, by Kate Coombs, but it's on my list, along with its sequel, The Runaway Dragon (eligible this year), mainly because of this interview with Kate at The Enchanted Inkpot. (EDITED: now nominated)

And finally, here's a book that I requested from the library ages ago mainly because of its title, The Hotel Under the Sand, by Kage Baker. Looking for reviews, I see it hasn't gotten much attention's a brief review, from someone who didn't know she was getting a children's books, at Disorganized, as Usual. (EDITED: it's now been nominated)

The nomination deadline for the Cybils is 11:59 pm, Pacific Time, October 15.


  1. A mermaid war drama set in Venice? Excellent.

  2. I saw Poisons of Caux was nominated, that made me very happy. Its a great book.

    I am really surprised no one has nominated Yep's novel yet.

    Another novel I was happy to see nominated was Spellbinder, its under YA fantasy but its MG.

  3. thanks Doret--I've passed that on to the Organizers.
