

Reviews that made me want the Middle Grade Science Fiction Fantasy book to end up on the Cybils list Part 2

I want to start by apologizing for the clunky post title. It's supposed to be a riff on "reviews that made me want the book" which is a feature Jen does, but since my reading of them this fall is contingent on these books being nominated for the Cybils award (since I'm a panelist in mg sf/f) I tried to get all that into the title.

But anyway. I meant well.

So. Here are more reviews of middle grade science fiction/fantasy books that have made me want to read them (and in order for that to happen anytime soon, first they must be nominated by the end of October 15 (which you can do at the Cybils site, here)

The Midnight Charter. Back in August, Shiela Ruth, our very own Category Organizer, and the technology genius behind the Cybils, said "The Midnight Charter is one of the most original and creative books I've read in a long time. David Whitley has done an amazing job of world-building." And I said, "I'll add it to my list." And there it has stayed.... (now nominated, although the consensus is that it's YA)

Candle Man (The Society of Unrelenting Vigilence Book ) Bookworming in the 21st Century says "Full of thrilling adventures, Candle Man pulls you into the story and makes you crave more." It sounds awfully fun.

Last year I enjoyed Gods of Manhattan; this year, its sequel, Spirits in the Park, is eligible. Kiss the Book says: "The Trap around Central Park that is holding the spirits within is becoming more violent in its attempts to loosen. Rory must combine efforts with the Rattle Watch and trust his little sister, too, if he not only wants to lower The Trap safely, but also wants to ensure that the Park spirits and the City Spirits don’t kill each other on sight. The cast of spirit characters gets larger and the plot gets more complicated in this sequel. The danger and adventure are even greater..."

And speaking of sequels, there's the new Skulduggery Pleasant book--The Faceless Ones. Jennifer over at the Jean Little Library says: "There's betrayal at every corner and Skulduggery's trademark humor has a dark flavor. Valkyrie continues to ignore the grim hints and expostulations of Skulduggery's friends and refuse to return to her ordinary life, even when she knows she may not survive. Heart-stopping action peppered with grim humor lead up to a startling conclusion that's not altogether unexpected." (now nominated)

Continuing to speak of sequels, there's The Silver Door, which my co-panelist Eva recommended highly.

Then there's The Dark Planet, the third of the Atherton books, which I read about at Books for Sale? -- “Atherton - The Dark Planet” is truly amazing. Once again, Patrick Carman has created a rich world full of details that make it stand solid. The innovative thinking behind the Atherton series makes it unique when compared with many other science fiction and dystopian series."

I saw the description of The Feathered Cloak in a recent new releases post I did, and went looking for reviews. I found this one, at Jane On Books, that made me want to read it rather badly--"This is a lovely fantasy book that incorporates a somewhat old-fashioned style of writing with a mastery of the elements of great fantasy." Viking fantasy! Yes!

and please take a look at Part 1, the post below this one, for more books that sound excellent!


  1. I knew what you meant, Charlotte. Whether anyone else did or not, well, who can say. And oh how I'm overdue for a RTMMWTB post myself. I'm enjoying yours!

  2. I was quoted! I got this post on google alert, but awesome post. I need to read the first part now.

  3. I just got Candle Man to review! Now I'm even more excited to read it.

  4. Thanks Jen and Kristen! And I agree Jill, Candle Man does sound good.

  5. Thanks for linking to my review of "The Dark Planet". The series is truly thrilling and completely genius in my mind.

    When I write a review I try to infuse into my review the same sense of storytelling that the book has, so I'm glad that I was able to motivate you to want to read the book.

    Nathan - Books For Sale?

  6. Thanks for mentioning my review of The Feathered Cloak- I have just found the second in the series, and although I can't always read complete series, I do want to read this for my own enjoyment.
