As far as I'm concerned, the only drawback to Ferret Fun, by Karen Rostoker-Gruber, illustrated by Paul Ratz de Tagyos (Marshall Cavendish, 2011) is that it will make your child pine for a ferret of their own. This utterly charming picture book, presented in graphic novel-esque panels, tells of two ferret friends who are confronted with a visiting cat. The cat is not a friend; when he sees the ferrets, he sees "double-rat snack pack."
And so the ferrets must determine just how they can survive the visit of this malevolent predator.
"We could ignore her." says one.
"She'll bug us more." says the other.
"We could run away."
"Then who would feed us raisins?"
"It's no use. We're doomed."
But soon the courage of the ferrets is revitalized, and in a bold full page spread that underlines the power of Determination in the face of Bullying, the ferrets take a stand. (Yay, ferrets!)
And all becomes well.
Share this one to your little one who is learning to read. It's perfect for the sort of reading in which your child takes one or two parts to read, and you take the rest. You can also leave this one around for your eight and ten year old boys to read and re-read--my boys got a kick out of it, as did I!
The pictures of the ferrets are awfully charming. I almost want one, or two, ferret friends myself....
disclaimer: review copy received from the publisher
*(how is exigencies pronounced, btw? EXigencies or exIgencies?)
This looks really cute! Except for the fact that I had hamsters briefly as a child and decided NEVER AGAIN WITH THE RODENTS, I'd want a ferret too. Okay, technically they're not rodents, but... close enough.
ReplyDeleteEXigency, incidentally.
Thanks! But I think it might be one of those tricky UK vs US words, and so I think I might need to gather more data.