
I'm featured on "Scene of the Blog" today!

If you want to see where I spend most of my life (the reading, blogging, and working bits of it, at any rate), stop by Kittling: Books today where I am this week's guest on "Scene of the Blog!" Thanks so much for hosting me, Cathy!

And welcome, any visitors from over there! Thanks for stopping by.


  1. Oh, beauty! Those windows!!

    Weighing in the balance living in Scotland vs. Having Those Windows...

    Your windows are winning.

  2. I can save one for you to strip and reglaze when you come to visit, Tanita...

    Although actually I am thinking of you (and other future guests) when I'm working on that upstairs room--it will be a lovely peaceful place for introverted guests to have alone time--and so I want it all done before you get here (in ten years or so, it should all be finished....sigh).

  3. Shameless self-promotion is what it's all about! Thanks for the "window" into your world.

  4. That was an interesting piece. What a wonderful house and workspace you have. Your boys looks like great kids. Thanks for a peak at your blogging/reading life.

  5. You're welcome! Thanks for stopping by.

  6. Thanks so much for participating, Charlotte. It was a pleasure!


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