First--nominations for the Cybils are up and running, and the list of mg sff books is growing. If you haven't nominated yet, and would like your memory refreshed regarding the mg sff books that were released in the past year, do check out my new releases posts. I started compiling these lists with Cybils in mind--it's hard to remember all the books that came out last fall, and urgent (well, in my mind at least) that the books that were just released get a chance to be nominated! Here's the list from the second half of October, 2010 (where I am reminded, for instance, that The Coming of the Dragon is eligible....) and here's the most recent list, covering the first half of October, 2011 (a much much longer one of epic proportions!) Do keep in mind, though, that not every book on these lists is eligible--the book has to have been published in the US or Canada.
So go nominate a nice book. Better yet, go nominate a book that will knock the socks of a young reader, and leave them stunned (from a parent's point of view, stunned for a long time is rather peaceful....)
The Reviews
13 Curses, by Michelle Harrison, at Random Musings of a Bibliophile
The Apothecary, by Maile Meloy, at Beyond Books and Ms. Yingling Reads
The Black Cauldron, by Lloyd Alexander, at Bookie Woogie
Blackbringer, by Laini Taylor, at My Favorite Books
The Blackhope Enigma, by Teresa Flavin, at
Bigger than a Breadbox, by Laurel Snyder, at A Patchwork of Books and Sonderbooks
Breadcrumbs, by Anne Ursu, at The Reading Zone, Jen Robinson's Book Page, Great Kid Books, Charlotte's Library, and Alison's Book Marks
The Cheshire Cheese Cat, by Carmen Agra Deedy and Randall Wright,at Charlotte's Library
The City of Ember, by Jeanne DuPrau, at Musings of a Restless Mind
Dark Life, by Kat Falls, at Karen's Book Nook
Darkfall, by Janice Hardy, at Book Yurt
The Dragon's Tooth, by N.D. Wilson, at Fantasy Book Review
The Enchanted Castle, by E. Nesbit, at Tor
The Fingertips of Duncan Dorfman, by Meg Wolitzer, at Eva's Book Addiction
Goliath, by Scott Westerfeld, at One Librarian's Book Reviews and The Book Smugglers
Icefall, by Matthew Kirby, at Bookyurt and Fantasy Literature
Kat, Incorrigible, by Stephanie Burgis, at Sonderbooks
The Last Council (Amulet Book 4) by Kazu Kibuishi, at The O.W.L.
The Lost Hero, by Rick Riordan, at Becky's Book Reviews
Miss Fortune, by Brandi Dougherty, at Secrets & Sharing Soda
Molly Moon's Incredible Book of Hypnotism, by Georgia Byng, at Book Nut
The Only Ones, by Aaron Starmer, at Charlotte's Library
The Owl Keeper, by Christine Brodien-Jones, at Novel and Nouveau
Pure Dead Magic, by Deb Gliori, at Fantasy Literature
Return to Exile, by E.J. Patten, at Project Mayhem
Rip Tide, by Kat Falls, at Karen's Book Nook and The Book Zone (For Boys)
Secrets of the Crown (The Familiars, Book 2) by Adam Jay Epstein and Andrew Jacobson, at somewhere in the middle
Timecatcher, by Marie-Louise Fitzpatrick, at Misrule
Torn, by Margaret Peterson Haddix, at Becky's Book Reviews
Troubletwisters, by Garth Nix and Sean Williams, at Fantasy Book Review
A True Princess, by Diane Zahler, at Random Musings of a Bibliophile
and a two for one--House of Many Ways, by Diana Wynne Jones, and 13 Gifts, by Wendy Mass, at Readatouille
Authors and interviews:
Anne Ursu (Breadcrumbs) at Laurel Snyder, The Book Whisperer, and at Kid Lit Frenzy
And the illustrator of Breadcrumbs, Erin McGuire, at Bildungsroman
Chris Moriarty (The Inquisitor's Apprentice) at The Enchanted Inkpot
Ned Rauch-Mannino (Fingertip Island) at Literary Rambles
Jennifer Nielson (Elliot and the Pixie Plot) at Shrinking Violets
James Riley (Half Upon a Time) at Literary Asylum
Other Good Stuff:
Talking animals--realistic or fantastic? Monica at Educating Alice offers her thoughts on a question I posed yesterday.
And here is something utterly brilliant (thanks to Tor for the link)--at Julie's Blog you can find her hand-made My Star Trek Quiet Book (with interactive fun for all ages!)
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