If you happen to be a new visitor-I gather links during the course of the week to reviews, interviews, etc. of mg sff, and then plop them all down here. I tend not to include posts that are very short, or that cover older, familiar books (like Harry Potter). I miss posts every week--feel free to email me links at any time (charlotteslibrary at gmail dot com).
If you'd care to mention these round-ups on your own blog, I'd appreciate it.
The Reviews:
43 Old Cemetery Road, by Kate Klise, at Geo Librarian
The Alchemyst, by Michael Scott, at Fantasy Literature
Bigger Than a Breadbox, by Laurel Snyder, at The Excelsior File and at the NY Times
Breadcrumbs, by Anne Ursu, at Bookends and My Precious
The Cheshire Cheese Cat, by Carmen Agra Deedy and Randall Wright, at Kid Lit Reviews
The Dragon's Tooth, by N.D. Wilson, at Charlotte's Library
Goliath, by Scott Westerfeld, at My Reading Frenzy
The Hidden Gallery (Incorrigible Children of Ashton Place) by Maryrose Wood, at Wandering Librarians
The Inquisitor's Apprentice, by Chris Moriarty, at Madigan Reads
Liesl and Po, by Lauren Oliver, at Bookworm1858 and the NY Times
The Midnight Zoo, by Sonya Hartnett, at books4yourkids
The Moon Coin, by Richard Due, at The Bookscape Report
Peter Nimble and His Fantastic Eyes, by Jonathan Auxier, at Great Kid Books and Library Mama
The Secret Country, by Pamela Dean, at Tor
Son of Neptune, by Rick Riordan, at Ex Libris and at Becky's Book Reviews
Tales of a Sixth Grade Muppet, by Kirk Scroggs, at Charlotte's Library
The Thirteenth Princess, by Diane Zahler, at Library Mama
We Dine With Cannibals (an Accidental Adventure #2) by C. Alexander London, at Boys and Literacy
Wet Magic, by E. Nesbit, at Tor
Wildwood, by Colin Meloy, at Barbara Ann Watson
You Have to Stop This, by Pseudonymous Bosch, at Charlotte's Library
Two of this year's mouse books, Secrets at Sea, and The Cheshire Cheese Cat, at the NY Times
At Book Aunt, Kate looks at graphic novels, including The Last Dragon, by Jane Yolen, and The Chronicles of Harris Burdick, by Chris Van Allsburg et al.
I'm including to Arabian Nights posts this week, although one skews younger than mg and one much older. Colleen at Chasing Ray looks at Ludmilla Zeman's retellings of Sinbad (beautiful picture books that are going on my present list for the boys), and The Guardian has a review of "a scholarly work that often reads like a fireside conversation" about the Arabian Nights that looks fascinating--Stranger Magic: Charmed States and the Arabian Nights, by Marina Warner. Here's the gorgeous illustration from Zeman's book Colleen used:
And there's a lovely list of dragon books here at The Mixed Up Files
Authors and Interviews:
"Take Five" with Matthew Cody (The Dead Gentleman), at Suvudu
Ian Beck (The Haunting of Charity Delafield) at The Book Zone
Katherine and John Paterson (Flintheart) visit the Shelftalker's book store
Adam Jay Epstein and Andrew Jacobson (Secrets of the Crown- Book 2 of the Familiars series) at Literary Rambles
Kathleen O'Dell (The Aviary) at Maine Living (in The Bangor Daily News)
Other Things of (possible) Interest:
Andy Mulligan (Trash) has won the Guardian children's fiction prize for an "anarchic" school story that sounds almost fantasy-esque in its oddness--Return to Ribblestrop
Alan Rickman shares his thoughts on being Snape, at Mugglenet
I've heard that somewhere Tolkein was recorded saying the dwarves names, but wasn't able to find it--anyone ever seen or heard it? I did find this interview with Tolkein, and this recording of him reading from the Hobbit; interesting, but not what I wanted....
Great links. I love that you focus on middle grade. I love seeing how many people are reviewing middle grade books. And thanks for including my interview at Literary Rambles.
ReplyDeleteThanks for putting me on your list! Great for spreading the middle-grade sff love.
ReplyDeleteI also reviewed Son of Neptune.
ReplyDeleteMy husband and I also disagree on dwarf names, but those of the youngest dwarves. I say Oin and Gloin with the oi as in point, and my husband says Owen and Glowen. So if you ever find that irrefutable evidence of Tolkien's intent, there'll be someone triumphant at our house too!
ReplyDeleteThanks Becky--sorry to have missed you!
ReplyDeleteYou are very welcome, Natalie and Madigan--thanks for posting about mg sff!
And Anne, you are SO right...
I'll have to check out that interview of Kathleen O'Dell as I LOVED The Aviary! As per usual,awesome roundup!!