
Astronaut Academy Re-Entry, by Dave Roman

"They're Mine!"
"No, they're mine!  They live in My room!"


This was the conversation that ensued when it came time to pick a shelf space for the two Astronaut Academy books by Dave Roman, the second of which, Astronaut Academy Re-Entry (First Second, May 15, 2013) was read about five times each in five days by my two boys (nine and twelve). 

I would have solved the problem by putting them on my own shelves, if I kept graphic novels in my bedroom.  They are that lovable.  They are also very funny--both the words and the pictures.  And they are also very good value for your money.  Not only are they eminently re-readable, but even a fast-reading adult (ie me) will take at least an hour to savor every page the first time through (I didn't let my eyes glide over any of the pictures.  I didn't want to miss anything).

On one level, these books deliver sci-fi fun of a very wacky sort.  The setting is, after all, Astronaut Academy, where students arrive in robot-cat like school bus in space.  There are robots and other high-tech accouterments.   There is also a character who is a ninja bunny, and the mysterious Senor Panda.   There's the very sci-fi game of Fireball, that plays a major role in the events of Astronaut Academy, and lots lots more.

But what there also is, even more so, is characters to love.  From Hakata Soy, the central protagonist, to the kids on Team Feety Pajamas (who spend most of their time in the library, ostensibly Evil, but actually not so much), to the shy, the geek, the sporty kids who make up the gloriously fascinating and diverse student body, there is someone for just about anyone to relate too and sympathize with.

And so the central story line of Astronuat Academy Re-Entry isn't the Fireball excitement, the way Hakata makes peace with his Past, or even the defeat of the heart stealing fiendish monster from space.  Nope, the central story line follows the emotional arcs of lots of kids as they navigate the world of school and friendship and parental expectations (at a wacky school in space, but still universal).   And my heart goes out to them all.

(Here at Tor, you can see nice several pages of the book, staring one of my favorite characters, Thalia Thistle, playing fireball.  And some of the heart eating monster stuff).

It's not a straight-forward, linear progression of story--it's told from multiple points of view.   And things don't necessarily make Sense, especially if you haven't read the first book.   This might make it not a book for everyone.  But who cares about sense, says I,  when you are given a combination of words that read themselves out loud in your head and pictures that make you smile like crazy?

Plus dinosaur cars.  I loved them in the first book, and I was getting worried that they weren't going to be in this book.  But they are.

Here's my review of book 1--Astronaut Academy: Zero Gravity.

disclaimer:  review copy received very happily indeed from the publisher. 

1 comment:

  1. I really need to get these for my boy! And we see Dave Roman every year at our local kids' comic convention, too.


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