
my troubled mind

Some of the choices I make are good and sensible ones, others perhaps less so.  Here's a list of choices I've made; the likelyhood I'll end up entirely happy is in doubt....

I am the category organizer for the elementary/middle grade speculative fiction category for the Cybils Awards.

I try really hard to encourage people to nominate books they love, and feel awful for the books that don't make it.

I also feel awful when I later read a book that wasn't nominated and find it brilliant, and one I'd have championed.

I wait until the very end to use my own nomination, so that I can fill in a gap if I need to, or actually show love for a book I love if no one else has chosen it.

But in order to know what book I want to nominate, I have to read all the books first.

I have checked out a lot of library books that haven't ben nominated yet.

I am now reading at least the first 50 pages of them to see if one is a must nominate for me (about halfway done with this, but the public nomination period ends at midnight tomorrow....)

I want to finish all the ones I've started.

I am sharing my rather excessive book picture in the hopes that some of you might see one you want to show love for, which would take the pressure off me.....

the book shown in the picture are:

The Year I Flew Away
The Edge of Strange Hollow
The Last Windwitch
The Ship of Stolen Words
Last Gamer Standing
The Outlaws Scarlett and Brown
The Wild Huntsboys
How to Save a Queendom
Archibald Finch and the Lost Witches (not actually eligible this year; sorry!)
Pahua and the Soul Stealer
The Midnight Brigade
Escape to Witch City
Jane Doe and the Cradle of All Souls
The Robber Girl



  1. Thanks for your list. I just nominated How to Save a Queendom. I really loved it, but forgot it was published during the right time frame to nominate it.

  2. The worst two things is I haven't finished my nom list AND my editor asked for my manuscript early ("Before Thanksgiving, please,") and I am screwed this year.

    Because 2020 was such a ...disaster I vote we extend a day of grace...

  3. What is the time frame? If helpful, I got The Last Windwitch at the library but I probably can't read it for a few days.


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