
my round-ups of middle grade sci fi and fantasy have come to an end

 It is with regret mixed with relief that I've decided to indefinitely put an end to my weekly round-ups.  I need my Sunday morning time for other things.  It was good while it lasted (over 700 weeks of mg sci fi fantasy goodnesss!) but interest had decreased (both the readership and my interest). Thanks for visiting it while it was up and running!


  1. Sorry to see it end! I always enjoyed and appreciated the weekly round up but understand your decision. Hope your occasional reviews continue! Thanks for all of your hard work!

  2. Oh, Charlotte! It is the end of an era. Here's to enjoying those Sunday mornings.

  3. I'm glad you're taking care of yourself and enjoying your Sunday mornings.

  4. Sorry to see an end, I've so enjoyed reading your weekly roundups, but can totally understand the need to have your Sunday mornings back. I hope you'll still post an occasional review. Wishing you all the best.

  5. I enjoyed your posts and learned about a lot of new books. I'm sorry that they are gone, but hope you enjoy your well-earned time off!

  6. Thank you for so many wonderful round-ups! It must have been a HUGE amount of work! I'm glad you are taking care of yourself.

  7. Take care and enjoy your Sundays! Thanks for the great round-ups. Your posts will be missed!

  8. Thank-you for all the work you put in creating those lists over the years! I know how precious Sunday morning can be - enjoy your newfound time 😊

  9. Oh, no! But we all understand. There are not many blogs left to follow, are there? Shall we stand together as the Last Bloggers Standing?

  10. I miss these - thank you for all your amazing work and your support! Hope you are enjoying lovely relaxed Sunday mornings.


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